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Legend (TexasFlood1938)

1938 High Water Mark points (0)
Brady Creek and San Saba River (1)
NED extent {study area} (2)
LiDAR extent (3)
Intermap extent (4)
1938 Flood Depth Grid {Intermap} (5)
High : 57.984 - Low : 0.0328084 High : 57.984 - Low : 0.0328084
1938 Flood Depth Grid {LiDAR-NED} (6)
High : 55.0873 - Low : 0.0328084 High : 55.0873 - Low : 0.0328084
1938 Flood Depth Grid {NED only} (7)
High : 55.0873 - Low : 0.0328084 High : 55.0873 - Low : 0.0328084
Wetted Extent-Intermap v LiDAR-NED (8)
Intermap only Intermap only
LiDAR-NED only LiDAR-NED only
both both
Wetted Extent-Intermap v LiDAR v NED (9)
Intermap only Intermap only
LiDAR only LiDAR only
NED only NED only
Intermap and LiDAR Intermap and LiDAR
Intermap and NED Intermap and NED
all three all three
Elevation {Intermap} (10)
2282 ft - 1017 2282 ft - 1017
Elevation {LiDAR} (11)
2282 ft - 1017 2282 ft - 1017
Elevation {NED} (12)
2282 ft - 1017 2282 ft - 1017
Shaded Relief {Intermap} (13)
High : 254 - Low : 0 High : 254 - Low : 0