1938 High Water Mark points (0)
Brady Creek and San Saba River (1)
NED extent {study area} (2)
LiDAR extent (3)
Intermap extent (4)
1938 Flood Depth Grid {Intermap} (5)
| High : 57.984 - Low : 0.0328084 |
1938 Flood Depth Grid {LiDAR-NED} (6)
| High : 55.0873 - Low : 0.0328084 |
1938 Flood Depth Grid {NED only} (7)
| High : 55.0873 - Low : 0.0328084 |
Wetted Extent-Intermap v LiDAR-NED (8)
| Intermap only |
| LiDAR-NED only |
| both |
Wetted Extent-Intermap v LiDAR v NED (9)
| Intermap only |
| LiDAR only |
| NED only |
| Intermap and LiDAR |
| Intermap and NED |
| LiDAR and NED |
| all three |
Elevation {Intermap} (10)
| 2282 ft - 1017 |
Elevation {LiDAR} (11)
| 2282 ft - 1017 |
Elevation {NED} (12)
| 2282 ft - 1017 |
Shaded Relief {Intermap} (13)
| High : 254 - Low : 0 |