Description: The points shown in this layer correspond with high water marks (HWMs) that were collected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during a severe flood event that occurred in this central Texas Region in July 1938. Only HWMs annotated with landmark location information are shown, and these were used for spatial reconstructions of this flood event. The raw HWM data were provided to KBS by TNRIS.
Description: The streamlines shown in this layer were developed using Arc Hydro Tools applied to U.S. Geological Survey's 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) NED elevation data (downloaded in March 2010) merged with Intermap elevation data (provided by Intermap in October 2010) covering the study reach floodplain. These streamlines, which correspond with portions of Brady Creek and the San Saba River, were used for simulating a severe flood event that occurred in this central Texas region in July 1938.
Description: The Kansas Biological Survey's FLDPLN (“Floodplain”) model and U.S. Geological Survey's 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) NED elevation data (downloaded in March 2010) merged with Intermap elevation data (provided by Intermap in October 2010) covering the study reach floodplain were used to simulate a severe flood event that occurred in central Texas in July 1938.
Description: The Kansas Biological Survey's FLDPLN (“Floodplain”) model and U.S. Geological Survey's 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) NED elevation data (downloaded in March 2010) merged with LiDAR elevation data (provided by TNRIS in May 2010) covering a portion of interior of the study area were used to simulate a severe flood event that occurred in central Texas in July 1938.
Description: The Kansas Biological Survey's FLDPLN (“Floodplain”) model and U.S. Geological Survey's 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) NED elevation data (downloaded in March 2010) were used to simulate a severe flood event that occurred in central Texas in July 1938.
Description: This raster grid shows the overlap between the two wetted extents estimated using Intermap elevation data and the merged LiDAR-NED elevation data to reconstruct the 1938 Texas Flood event in the study area.
Description: This raster grid shows the overlap among the three wetted extents estimated using Intermap elevation data, LiDAR elevation data, and NED elevation data to reconstruct the 1938 Texas Flood event in the study area.
Note that this comparison is limited to the portion of the study area where LiDAR elevation data were available at the time of the study.
Description: This 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) elevation dataset was developed by reprojecting and down-sampling Intermap elevation data (provided by Intermap in October 2010) covering the study reach floodplain (see the “Intermap extent” layer) to the 10-m NED grid.
Description: This 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) elevation dataset was developed by reprojecting and down-sampling LiDAR elevation data (provided by TNRIS in May 2010) covering an interior portion of the study (see the “LiDAR extent” layer) to the 10-m NED grid.
Description: This 1/3 arcsecond (10-m) elevation dataset was obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Elevation Dataset (NED) in March 2010.