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snippet: This area represents in the general habitat regions used within the Lesser prairie chicken Range Wide Plan. The habitat regions are used for characterizing the general habitat type within the LPC Estimated Occupied Range + 10 mile buffer (EOR10).
summary: This area represents in the general habitat regions used within the Lesser prairie chicken Range Wide Plan. The habitat regions are used for characterizing the general habitat type within the LPC Estimated Occupied Range + 10 mile buffer (EOR10).
accessInformation: Western Association of Wildlife and Fish Agencies
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN><SPAN>This area represents in the general habitat regions used within the Lesser prairie chicken Range Wide Plan. The habitat regions are used for characterizing the general habitat type within the LPC Estimated Occupied Range + 10 mile buffer (EOR10). This area was delineated by the LPC interstate working group in 2013 to represent the general occupied habitat range of all known LPC at that time. To account for some unknown birds near the range edge and the possibility of slight changes in the range, the EOR was buffered by 10 miles to create the EOR10 that is the focus of the RWP. The habitat regions within the EOR10 were delineated as a way to divide the overall range into sub regions. Within the Plan, each region has its own population goals, and average cost for managing habitat (that is used in calculating Industry mitigation fees and payments to participating conservation landowners). </SPAN></SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
title: ks_lpc_habitat_regions
tags: ["lesser prairie-chicken","lpc","habitat","estimated occupied range","EOR10","range wide plan"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 150000000