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snippet: This layer represents a map of the current vegetation of Kansas with the addition of developed lands, lands under agricultural production, and types lacking vegetative cover. The data was developed using Sentinel-2 imagery from 2017/2018 in conjunction with field collected data and various abiotic ancillary data sets including gSSURGO.
summary: This layer represents a map of the current vegetation of Kansas with the addition of developed lands, lands under agricultural production, and types lacking vegetative cover. The data was developed using Sentinel-2 imagery from 2017/2018 in conjunction with field collected data and various abiotic ancillary data sets including gSSURGO.
accessInformation: Diamond, D.D., L.F. Elliott, G. Steinauer, K. Kindscher, P. Hanberry, D. True, and M. Sunde
maxScale: 121837.062133375
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This map represents the vegetation and other land covers of Kansas as mapped using 10m imagery from Sentinel-2 satellites. A land cover classification of 12 classes was developed using 3 dates of imagery, training data from photo-interpretation, and RandomForest classifier. This land cover was combined with various ancillary abiotic data sets in a vector format which was produced using image segmentation. The combination of land cover and abiotic information allowed us to model vegetation at higher thematic resolution than the generalized classification produced solely from reflectance data. A total of 49 types were mapped across the region.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
title: Kansas_Ecological_Mapping_Systems_Rev_tif
type: Image Service
url: https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin
tags: ["biota","Vegetation","Ecological Mapping Systems","Kansas"]
culture: en-US
name: Kansas_Ecological_Mapping_Systems_Rev_tif
minScale: 7797571.97653603
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Albers