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snippet: Ecological research
summary: Ecological research
extent: [[-102.174870247366,36.8998769496769],[-94.3515951515676,40.1183196769577]]
accessInformation: Jorgina Ross
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Data made available in this service include base layers of the Midland Quadrangle, Kansas, USGS 1:24,000-scale 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (section lines, hydrology, roads, soils, and 10 ft elevation contours) as well as data bounded by the Midland Quadrangle (e.g., historic early Government Land Office surveys circa 1850s). In addition, there are data specifically from the KSR Northern Tracts: 2-ft elevation contours, tract boundaries and designations, management unit designations, trails, landmarks, long-term research sites (Cross Reservoir, Fitch Natural History Reservation, Rockefeller Native Prairie, and the fragmentation project), data from a habitat restoration project (information on birds, mammals and vegetation), and data from specific research and monitoring projects (e.g., forest demography, western worm snake ecology, distribution of sericea lespedeza [an invasive species], and coarse-level habitat maps).
title: Habitat Maps
type: Map Service
tags: ["birds","DEM","fragmentation project","forest demography","habitat","historic","invasive species","Kansas","KUFS","native prairie","mammals","Midland Quadrangle","landmarks","plants","reptiles","restoration project","soils","tracts"]
culture: en-US
name: HabitatMaps
guid: 92F69232-459D-4495-AF06-354FA8AF31A3
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere