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snippet: Ecological research
summary: Ecological research
extent: [[-95.1962999999667,38.8082000003106],[-95.1953300000212,38.8097600003406]]
accessInformation: Jorgina Ross
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Boundaries obtained by walking around perimeter of glade using a GPS unit on May 10, 2018. Area surveyed by Caleb Morse, Dean Kettle and Bill Busby and flags placed along border. Note that the glade continues farther north/northwest than mapped, but here it has a more uniform cedar canopy with a degraded understory flora, and thus likely had a disturbance history. Shapefile created by Jorgina A. Ross
title: Cliff Glade Restoration - Baldwin Woods Forest Preserve
type: Map Service
tags: ["birds","DEM","fragmentation project","forest demography","habitat","historic","invasive species","Kansas","KUFS","native prairie","mammals","Midland Quadrangle","landmarks","plants","reptiles","restoration project","soils","tracts"]
culture: en-US
name: CliffGladeRestoration
guid: 6EE68AD7-B2A1-4438-9E76-C2AB11051A46
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere