Description: This data layer depicts playas as identified through a compilation of six data sources: SSURGO soils data, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data, National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), analysis of Landsat TM imagery, analysis of National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery, and hand-delineation on aerial maps of select lands managed by The Nature Conservancy. Data source varies across the layer's extent so please refer to the [Source] field in the attribute table to identify the source of any individual playa or refer to the Supplemental Information section below for a summary of sources by state. The following data characteristics vary by source: data quality, attribute information, dates of acquisition and publication, and minimum mapping units (MMU). Please read the DATA SOURCES section below for details. **IMPORTANT NOTES: The number of features in this dataset (n=89,798) is does NOT represent the number of playas, rather the number of polygons representing playas, whole or partial. This occurs because NWI coverage often maps a single playa as multiple adjacent or nested polygons (e.g., a PEMC polygon exists within a PEMA polygon -- 2 polygons representing one playa). The [PPv4_ID] field contains unique identifiers for adjacent/nested polygons that represent a playa (e.g., nested polygons). In other words, the nested polygons have the same [PPV4_ID] value because they clearly represent a single playa. HOWEVER, if a playa is bisected by a road and is mapped as two or more separate, non-adjacent polygons, the [PPv4_ID] values are different for the polygons. Please explore NWI playas in this dataset to view examples of NWI playa delineation. ***Please see SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION for critical information on how to use/interpret these data.
Description: This dataset contains boundaries of potential playa areas identified using the Topographic Wetland Identification Process (TWIP) model modified for playa wetlands and applied to carefully processed 2m LiDAR bare earth elevation data. TWIP modification and elevation data preparation details are provided in KBS Report #186 (
Copyright Text: Kansas Biological Survey / Kansas Water Office
Name: Project area - LIDAR Potential Playa Area Catchment
Display Field: NHD_chanl
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This dataset shows estimated catchment boundaries for potential playa areas identified using carefully processed 2m LiDAR bare earth elevation data. Elevation data preparation details are provided in KBS Report #186 (
Copyright Text: Kansas Biological Survey / Kansas Water Office
Name: Project area - Playa Lakes Joint Venture Probable Playa
Display Field: PPv4_ID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: This data layer depicts playas as identified through a compilation of six data sources: SSURGO soils data, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data, National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), analysis of Landsat TM imagery, analysis of National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery, and hand-delineation on aerial maps of select lands managed by The Nature Conservancy. Data source varies across the layer's extent so please refer to the [Source] field in the attribute table to identify the source of any individual playa or refer to the Supplemental Information section below for a summary of sources by state. The following data characteristics vary by source: data quality, attribute information, dates of acquisition and publication, and minimum mapping units (MMU). Please read the DATA SOURCES section below for details. **IMPORTANT NOTES: The number of features in this dataset (n=89,798) is does NOT represent the number of playas, rather the number of polygons representing playas, whole or partial. This occurs because NWI coverage often maps a single playa as multiple adjacent or nested polygons (e.g., a PEMC polygon exists within a PEMA polygon -- 2 polygons representing one playa). The [PPv4_ID] field contains unique identifiers for adjacent/nested polygons that represent a playa (e.g., nested polygons). In other words, the nested polygons have the same [PPV4_ID] value because they clearly represent a single playa. HOWEVER, if a playa is bisected by a road and is mapped as two or more separate, non-adjacent polygons, the [PPv4_ID] values are different for the polygons. Please explore NWI playas in this dataset to view examples of NWI playa delineation. ***Please see SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION for critical information on how to use/interpret these data.
Description: This dataset contains catchment boundaries estimated for 8895 Playa Lakes Joint Venture Probable Playas (PLJV-PP) using 2-m LiDAR and some creative DEM data preparation and processing techniques. Roads and railroads have been removed from the landscape for this exercise, and approximately 137,000 strategically placed drain holes were applied in an effort to accommodate the closed-basin nature of playas. [August 29, 2016]
Copyright Text: Kansas Biological Survey / Kansas Water Office.
Description: This dataset was adapted from the 12-digit hydrologic unit (HU12) coverage provided with the USGS National Hydrography Dataset. The western extent of the project area was constrained by the availability of LiDAR data at the start of the project. The eastern edge of the project area was selected because almost no Kansas playas are known to exist beyond that line of counties. With these two constraints, 294 HU12 watershed and sub-watershed polygons were identified in the western Kansas study area that had complete LiDAR coverage. These HU12 polygons were dissolved to produce this dataset.
Copyright Text: Kansas Biological Survey (source data: United States Geological Survey)
Description: This dataset was adapted from the loess soils class of the Kansas Surficial Geology (KSG) map published by the Kansas Geological Survey in 2008 ( The data were obtained from (layer name: Surficial Geology – Generalized). Adaptation details are described in KBS Report #186 (