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Legend (International/ArmeniaAnthrosphere)

settlements (0)
< 50000 < 50000
50000 - 112000 50000 - 112000
railroads (regional) (2)
railroads (3)
roads (4)
streams (6)
waterbodies (7)
Armenia (admin0) (9)
province (admin1) (10)
land cover - 2021 (11)
Tree cover Tree cover
Shrubland Shrubland
Grassland Grassland
Cropland Cropland
Built-up Built-up
Bare / sparse vegetation Bare / sparse vegetation
Snow and ice Snow and ice
Permanent water bodies Permanent water bodies
Herbaceous wetland Herbaceous wetland
Moss and lichen Moss and lichen
hillshade (12)
254 - 0 254 - 0
elevation (m) (13)
3839 - 385 3839 - 385