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snippet: Clinton Lake Extents
summary: Clinton Lake Extents
extent: [[-95.6226851862963,38.8267592559119],[-95.3139814825679,39.0021296295769]]
accessInformation: Jude Kastens
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This project shows a continuum of lake extents for Clinton Lake in Douglas County, Kansas. Lake extent is shown as a function of lake surface elevation, ranging from the multipurpose pool (878 ft) to beyond the flood control pool (903.4 ft). The KBS FLDPLN ("Floodplain") model was used for the analysis. Lake extent information is necessary for the assessment of ecological and socioeconomic impacts of increased lake levels.
title: Clinton Lake Extents
type: Map Service
tags: ["DEM","elevation","flood control pool","inundation","lake extents","lake map","multipurpose pool","Clinton Lake","Kansas"]
culture: en-US
name: ClintonLakeExtents
guid: 99B2C45D-1989-4863-B6C8-5C05C3121FED
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator