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snippet: Playa Clusters are part of the Playa Decision Support System (PDSS) and are intended to help guide various land-use activities (primarily wind energy development, conservation program enrollment, and long-term easement and restoration programs) to maximize the conservation of playas. Playa Clusters are groups of playas, in close spatial proximity, that likely provide more value to migrating waterfowl than playas that are more spatially distributed. The boundaries of Playa Clusters do not represent 'set-back' distances for development activities; rather, they indicate which playas likely function more as a group than individually and are more likely to be used by migrating waterfowl. The boundaries of Playa Clusters can be used to help spatially guide development activities by applying the following premise: Development near the edge of a Playa Cluster would likely have less impact on a cluster of playas than development sited near the center of a cluster. ****Refer to the Playa Decision Support System User's Manual for more information on Playa Clusters including how to interpret their value and incorporate them into your analysis. This dataset should be used in combination with the Large Isolated Playas and Playas Prioritized [...] data sets, all part of the PDSS.
summary: Playa Clusters are part of the Playa Decision Support System (PDSS) and are intended to help guide various land-use activities (primarily wind energy development, conservation program enrollment, and long-term easement and restoration programs) to maximize the conservation of playas. Playa Clusters are groups of playas, in close spatial proximity, that likely provide more value to migrating waterfowl than playas that are more spatially distributed. The boundaries of Playa Clusters do not represent 'set-back' distances for development activities; rather, they indicate which playas likely function more as a group than individually and are more likely to be used by migrating waterfowl. The boundaries of Playa Clusters can be used to help spatially guide development activities by applying the following premise: Development near the edge of a Playa Cluster would likely have less impact on a cluster of playas than development sited near the center of a cluster. ****Refer to the Playa Decision Support System User's Manual for more information on Playa Clusters including how to interpret their value and incorporate them into your analysis. This dataset should be used in combination with the Large Isolated Playas and Playas Prioritized [...] data sets, all part of the PDSS.
accessInformation: Playa lakes joint venture,
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Playa Clusters were determined through spatial analysis of the Probable Playas layer </SPAN><SPAN>(Probable_Playas_v4.shp, released by Playa Lakes Joint Venture) which depicts playas as identified through a compilation of six data sources: SSURGO soils data, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data, National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), analysis of Landsat TM imagery, analysis of National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery, and hand-delineation on aerial maps of select lands managed by The Nature Conservancy. Data source varies across the layer's extent so please refer to the [Source] field in the attribute table to identify the source of any individual playa or refer to the Supplemental Information section below for a summary of sources by state. The following data characteristics vary by source: data quality, attribute information, dates of acquisition and publication, and minimum mapping units (MMU). Please read the DATA SOURCES section below for details. **IMPORTANT NOTES: The number of features in this dataset (n=89,798) is does NOT represent the number of playas, rather the number of polygons representing playas, whole or partial. This occurs because NWI coverage often maps a single playa as multiple adjacent or nested polygons (e.g., a PEMC polygon exists within a PEMA polygon -- 2 polygons representing one playa). The [PPv4_ID] field contains unique identifiers for adjacent/nested polygons that represent a playa (e.g., nested polygons). In other words, the nested polygons have the same [PPV4_ID] value because they clearly represent a single playa. HOWEVER, if a playa is bisected by a road and is mapped as two or more separate, non-adjacent polygons, the [PPv4_ID] values are different for the polygons. Please explore NWI playas in this dataset to view examples of NWI playa delineation. ***Please see SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION for critical information on how to use/interpret these data.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
licenseInfo: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) and its representatives make no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the digital data and their documentation, their quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The digital data are distributed on "as is" basis, and the user assumes all risk as to their quality, the results obtained from their use, and the performance of the data. In no event will the KBS or its representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from and defect in the KBS's digital data or in their documentation. This disclaimer of warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, expressed or implied. No agent or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
title: Playa Clusters
tags: ["Kansas","Lagoons","Playa Lakes","Great Plains","Surface Water","High Plains","Wetlands","Playas"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 5000000